Navigating Virtual Events


Virtual events are here to stay and navigating them without overwhelm as a leader is a skill we are all learning.

  1. It’s easy to say yes to all the events because many are free and you don’t have to leave your house, but all the yes’s lead to stress. In Brené Brown’s podcast, Daring to Lead, she interviewed Jim Collins and he reminded me of the value of a ‘gracious no.’ Be picky. Sign up for things that fit the goals of your work, support your professional development and add value.

  2. Once you’ve decided to go, take time with the agenda and decide where you want to show up in real-time, what you will make time to watch as a recording and what you are ok missing. Put those things on your calendar. Making space for these events is a challenge and for me, if it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening. It also gives me a visual way to be realistic about what else is going to happen that week.

  3. Show up. Speak up and stay for the Zoom breakouts. Arika Virapongse, Middle Path Solutions, shared with me this advice: “If you don’t chat or speak up during a virtual meeting, it’s like you are not even there—missing your chance to make the most of your attendance and stand out.”

    I also think Zoom breakouts are the only place that I find any sense of connection with other attendees. However, the tendency is to drop off as soon as the organizer says ‘we’re heading to breakouts’ because of a bit of anxiety or the request to add extra energy. I have never regretted a breakout.

These are just a few ideas on how to make the most of your participation in virtual events and really any event. I pulled together some additional thoughts in a free tip sheet, ‘5+ Ways to Navigate Virtual Events as a Leader.’ You can get this by signing up for my email list in the box below.

I’d love to hear your ideas too. How do you balance Zoom fatigue and work/life with gaining value from virtual events? Leave a comment!


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2020 - Release